Placement Test

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Placement Test (Einstufungstest)

Füllen Sie die Lücken in der richtigen Zeitform aus, indem Sie die richtige Antwort auswählen.

    1) We a good film yesterday.

    2) Sylvia? I can’t find her.

    3) A bomb exploded nearby. Luckily, I face to the ground.

    4) If only he more careful during his exam, he would have had his driving licence by now.

    5) Anne today ?
    I saw her this morning but I haven't seen her since.

    6) Before I joined this company I as a freelancer.

    7) This time next week I over the Alps.

    8) When I came in she the internet.

    9) I'm sure you the report by tomorrow 5 p.m.

    10) I am glad that we have found a time to meet next week. I look forward to you.